Mp3 Format support


I am working on some asterisk based solution. I have query regarding MP3 player format. I am using Asterisk and all addons/sounds/dahdi/ etc associated with it.

Now I am able to play a .gsm format file from the …\asterisk1.6.0.9\sounds.

Now instead if I want to play a MP3 file format tell me the process.

Also I am bit new to it so kindly tell me steps to follow.

Kindly tell let me know according to this version as on different forums process is written for previous versions.

Thanks in advance…



Looks like MP3 playback support is built-in.

Here is a link: … +MP3Player


Executes the mpg123 unix program to play the given location which typically would either be the filename of an MP3 sound file, or the URL of an MP3 stream. The callers can exit by dialing any digit.

The mpg123 program seems to work best at playing mp3s which do not have any ID3 tag details embedded in them. (Suppressing stderr output fixes the ID3 problem)

Return Codes
Returns -1 on hangup or 0 otherwise.

