Meetme issue


I have had my asterisk server running flawlessly for over a year now but recently switched to dynamic room allocation for my conf calls. The idea being that people can call up and create arbitrary meeting rooms/pins for additional security. Rather than making static room/pins publicly available.

In my tests all seems fine but occasionally I have noticed some people dial in and get put in to the wrong room, almost like the tones were read incorrectly. For example today I was in on a call that had three members from my company, and an external party coming on over ZAP. All 3 from my side were in room 5554 no problem. The external user somehow got put in room 55554, I asked them to redial and this time they got 555554.

I know that they pressed the correct buttons because I heard them via the cell phone on which I was holding the conversation to ask them to redial. I am certain in both cases that they dialled correctly.

When I switched back to static room allocation (rooms defined in meetme.conf and removed D option from meetme() app) things worked fine.

I am a little confused by this. Perhaps it is related to tone recognition ?

Asterisk version is 1.2.10, as a production system I would have to work a weekend to upgrade it - I will happily do so for a certain fix but it is not something I would like to try just to test.

It might be worth noting that I can call this system using my cell phone (fixed dtmf length I presume) and have no problems accessing any dynamic meeting room. Also something to note is that the remote caller phone system is using Snom 320 SIP phones, I have no idea what server/pbx though. Unfortunately I do not have a relationship with the calling company so as to ask them to test for me.

Help appreciated.


Hi If the users are using desk phones make sure they are entering the numbers while hadsfree, As the tones can be echoed back


[quote=“ianplain”]Hi If the users are using desk phones make sure they are entering the numbers while hadsfree, As the tones can be echoed back


Ian - that’s a very interesting point. I will try some tests around this. However, given that moving back to non-dynamic rooms didn’t help I suspect this may not be the problem. If it is though, is there a way to have * filter this? We have an ISDN with the proprietary hardware echo canceller.