Looking for Asterisk installations

Hey all,

I’m the IT team for a school in Bloomsburg PA. We’re going to be installing a new phone system in the near future and I’m pushing for building an Asterisk system.

The administration likes the lower price (like half of what we’ve been quoted from vendors), but I’m not sure they quite trust the open-source idea. They find it strange that someone would give away what another company charges tens of thousands of dollars for. I’ve tried to explain the whole thing, but they still seem reluctant to bite.

I was wondering if there are any small to medium size businesses anywhere in Eastern PA that would be willing to let us visit for a couple minutes and see the phones in action. I’m sure that this would go far in easing their worries about using Asterisk to build our own system. We’d only take up a few minutes of your time and we’d be out of your hair as fast as possible.

You can email me at jadams AT cmvt.us or just reply here.



We have a turnkey PBX solution based on Asterisk. It has a very easy to use GUI that we developed and full commercial support offering. We can supply you everything including phones and Digium hardware. You can view all of our pricing @ www.intuitivevoice.com/quote.php . Our server/software packages start @ $899 or software only for $499. We do over 100 installations per month and have customers in your area I can refer you to. We would love to talk with you more about this.

Chris Jones

Hi Jeremy,

Please let me know what you find-- I’m looking for the same. I just tried the software from Intuitive Voice and found it to be more trouble than that low price!
