Asterisk will do a great job of this but I would highly recommend getting help from an experienced Asterisk professional to help you or you could find yourself in hot water with your boss!
An 8 line, 25 station production environment is not somewhere you want to be have ‘teething’ problems.
For hardware, I would highly recommend a card with hardware echo cancellation - lifes tough enough without echo!
Truthfully I would like to go to bootcamp and learn it since I work for a small ILEC it would be a great thing for us to offer Asterisk to our Small Business customers.
I think im going to setup a simple box at home and then try to experiment some with a larger system. First things first gotta setup a small system. VoIP isn’t necessary atm, simply put we really need to get a call directory and individual voicemail.
Thanks for the quick response!!! Glad to be a member of the community.
If you are not on a time cruch you can do this for yourself if you have a basic linux understanding. If you have never used linux and need soemthing implemented right away hire it out.
I highly suggest you buy\download the book Asterisk: The Future of Telephony and read at least the first couple of sections cover to cover and build a test system. If you feel confident then move on to the next step otherwise hire it out.
As far as linux goes I definately am proficient, and also have networking experience (CCNA, and others but I rarely mention Microsoft stuff). First thing is to build a test system, which a TDM400P bundle is otw.
I guess my main question now is with the above specifications (8 analog lines, 25 stations) which hardware would you recommend?
Since we are the ILEC I can easily setup my own lab first before implementing.