Installing asterisknow

I really dont understand .

How do I install asterisknow (32bit) I have a windows XP machine and i have installed VM Ware on it and within Vm ware i have installed unbuntu…now do i just burn the iso file of asterisknow and insert it into cd rom drive and from vmware install the software?

AsteriskNow is a linux distro tailored to Asterisk, you download the .iso for AsteriskNow and burn it to a cd, then put it into a pc, and reboot, when you boot up with the cd in it will install linux, and asterisk and all things needed. Then you can setup your asterisk server. You have a virtual machine so you would tell the virtual machine to boot up and use that AsteriskNow cd to install, if you want to use ubuntu you can just type sudo apt-get install asterisk. You will now have a gui unless you install it. It sounds like you are pretty new to all this so I would stick with AsteriskNow or you can learn Asterisk from reading,

Either way reading that is a must. Also I would learn how to compile apps
and of course you can ask questions here


I have installed the asterisknow on vmware but I it does not boot to a gui interface it give me

the asterisknow console menu and says to
configure system to point to browser (but how can i get to the browser in linux)
and then it says or please select following options:

Update, console, restart, reset, shutdown, reboot, quit.

actually i i got an error msg :

No network available:

we cant identify an ip address for eth0 or eth1, untill this is resolved you wont be able to access the asterisk-gui. pls login voa the terminal (press alt and f2) and correct this.

conf setting for the network are in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-rhx. you will need to sudo su to obtavin super user access

Well I really havent messed with vmware, so I wont be able to help, that much, but it appears that the emulated nic card isnt detected by the asterisknow distro. You may want to see if there is a module that needs to be loaded for that to happen. Asterisknow is not a big gui for asterisk, it is a linux distro that has all of the stuff for asterisk already there for you. As far as a gui for asterisk, the gui is not on that machine it is just a web based gui, that you can access from any machine on the network, but the asterisk server has to be on your network to do that. So I would check google to see what module needs to be loaded for vmware’s nic card or maybe you have to bridge your nic to the vmware one…


Thanks for ur help…I have amended the network script within linux and added ip address of the machine to the nic card on vmware…

And i now the giu interface works so i can access the browser via another pc…



Thanks for ur help…I have amended the network script within linux and added ip address of the machine to the nic card on vmware…

And i now the giu interface works so i can access the browser via another pc…



Thanks for ur help…I have amended the network script within linux and added ip address of the machine to the nic card on vmware…

And i now the giu interface works so i can access the browser via another pc…


ok, now I have a prob…Astrisknow does not give me the setup wizard…how do i get to that menu