The init script (/etc/init.d/asterisk) is not working for me./etc/init.d/asterisk start
comes out without showing any errors, but I am not able to connect with asterisk -rvvvv
also no asterisk listed in ps -aef
CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
Astersk:10.12.4, , 11.16.0 (tried all these versions).
Harilal P B
Start Asterisk with asterisk -c
and look for any error that may be shown in console. I would expect a missconfiguration leading to a process crash.
Thanks for the reply.
asterisk -c
is starting the asterisk and there is no crash, I am able to make calls also. 
In this case You should check, wheter the init-Script still contails placeholders for the Asterisk-Directiories (You will see them by looking for __AST)