If, Else-If settings for Time Condition (Time Group)

Hi Community,

Here’s what I had setup:

  • an Announcement (AnnouncementAB) had been created already

  • Time Conditions had been created:
    a. On-Business-Days - Destination if Time matches goes to Reception, if not - AnnouncementAB
    b. Forward-Calls - Destination if Time matches goes to Queue, if not - AnnouncementAB

  • Time Groups had been created also:
    a. Business-Hours: Mondays-Fridays @ 9AM-5PM (This is used by On-Business-Days Time Condition)
    b. Forward-Calls: Mondays-Fridays @ 7AM-9AM
    c. On-Saturdays: Saturday @ 10AM to 6PM

Incoming DID had been configured already for Reception’s IP extension. And on reception’s extension, it was configured that when “NO ANSWER”, it goes to Time condition “On-Business-Days”.

Is there a way which I could do if, Else-if that it will take all the my Time Groups/Time Conditions when evaluating calls receive for the reception IP extension everyday? I want it to parse all those conditions and not just a single Time Condition.

Time group sounds like FreePBX terminology, for which you want http://community.freepbx.org/ For Asterisk itself, A combination of GoToIfTime and other dialplan logic should be able to handle much more complex cases than this.

Thanks for the reply. I got the solution anyway, its not actually a complex case - just needs a bit of logic.