How to get channel(call) variables after call leaving queue

Hello everyone, I need help with getting variables after the call ends in Queue.

After the call ends, callee must rate the call.

For this I’m using Queue(testQueue,F,3600,), if I understand right, thats mean when call ends callee goes to next in dialplan order.
Then i use Read app so callee can enter rate.|
After leaving queue caller(number) become sip number of agent.

Question: Is it possible to get caller(number) variable when call leaves Queue. Or there is other way to do what i want?

On Wednesday 25 December 2024 at 10:26:00, kesa via Asterisk Community wrote:

I’m using Queue(testQueue,F,3600,)
says that the syntax of the F option is:


You have not specified the required parameters.

Question: Is it possible to get caller(number) variable when call leaves

Also from the docs:

“NOTE: Any channel variables you want the called channel to inherit from the
caller channel must be prefixed with one or two underbars (‘_’).”

So, set some variable such as _OrigCallerID to the incoming Caller ID arriving
in the queue, and that variable will get passed to your queue agent handler
context when you specify the F option fully.


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Thx for answer.
Queue(testQueue,F,3600,) is working fine. calle just go to next ext in dialplan.

My dialplan looks like this

exten = 001,1,Answer()
exten = 123,n,Queue(reception,F,,,120)
exten = 123,n,Goto(set-call-tag,s,1)

should i do it like

exten = 001,1,Answer()
exten = 001,n,Set(__OrigCalledID = ${CALLERID(num)})
exten = 001,n,Queue(reception,F,,,120)
exten = 001,n,Goto(set-call-tag,s,1)

On Wednesday 25 December 2024 at 10:57:20, kesa via Asterisk Community wrote:

Can you please give me link on this docs page you refering to?

I thought I had:


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Thank you for help!

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