How to enable cdr-custom and/or cdr-csv logs

Hi there!

I want to enable cdr-custom logs but the file Master.csv is empty after I make a call. The same happens with Master.csv in cdr-csv.

This is what I’ve done:

  • removed the semicolon in cdr_custom.conf ([mapping] and
    Master.csv => etc…)
  • enable=yes in cdr.conf
  • removed the semicolon in cdr.conf ([csv] and usegmtime=yes)

Is there anything else I have to do?


You might check to make sure the cdr module is loading. Turn up logging and restart asterisk to see if you have entries like this:

[Oct 30 12:52:12] VERBOSE[1625] logger.c: == Parsing ‘/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf’:
[Oct 30 12:52:12] VERBOSE[1625] logger.c: == Found
[Oct 30 12:52:12] VERBOSE[1625] logger.c: => (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)

Another idea is to check modules.conf to see if there’s a noload directive.