Home Fax basics with Asterisk

I am new to Asterisk. EE with some skills but stretch to call me developer anymore.

I want a secure anonymous lightweight way to do fax over internet (still att adsl here at house).

Is asterisk and a used ebay device a reasonable option? This will be intermittent use only but for some financial matters on estate.



I have a fax copier etc.

No email to fax service suggestion as i dont wantvto trust 3rd party snooping on important matters.

AmI just off base to think i could slide without paying voip provider? I guess going to ups store etc possible but not convenient.

A kit would be cool. The spectrum voip box (at deceased bros house) worked great but cost remains unjustified. I rarely need this. A few times a month.

Are you looking for end-to-end encryption over the PSTN ? :unicorn:

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