Help with realtime static configuration for 1.6.1.x

Can anyone help me identify if the configuration for static realtime changed in 1.6.1.x? I have been following the compiled resources from voip-info and some other locations to get these settings:

— modules.conf

preload =>
preload =>
noload =>
load =>
noload =>
noload =>

— res_mysql.conf

dbhost = (retracted)
dbname = asterisk
dbuser = asterisk
dbpass = (retracted)
dbport = 3306
;dbsock = /tmp/mysql.sock
;dbsock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
requirements=createclose ; warn or createclose or createchar

— extconfig.conf

extensions.conf => mysql,general,static_config
features.conf => mysql,general,static_config
sip.conf => mysql,general,static_config

sipusers => mysql,general,sip_buddies
sippeers => mysql,general,sip_buddies
sipregs => mysql,general,sip_buddies
extensions => mysql,general,extensions
queues => mysql,general,queues
queue_members => mysql,general,queue_members
voicemail => mysql,general,voicemessages

— MySQL db/table setup

Implemented table for static realtime according to the voip-info link (except I changed ast_config to static_config): … ime+Static

mysql> show databases ;
| Database           |
| information_schema | 
| asterisk           | 
| mysql              | 
| test               | 

mysql> use asterisk

mysql> show tables
    -> ;
| Tables_in_asterisk |
| extensions         | 
| queue_members      | 
| queues             | 
| sip_buddies        | 
| static_config      | 
| voicemessages      | 

mysql> select * from static_config ;
| id | cat_metric | var_metric | commented | filename        | category | var_name        | var_val                |
|  1 |          0 |          0 |         0 | extensions.conf | general  | static          | yes                    | 
|  2 |          0 |          1 |         0 | extensions.conf | general  | writeprotect    | no                     | 
|  3 |          0 |          2 |         0 | extensions.conf | general  | clearglobalvars | no                     | 
|  4 |          1 |          0 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | CONSOLE         | Console/dsp            | 
|  5 |          1 |          1 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | IAXINFO         | guest                  | 
|  6 |          1 |          2 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | TRUNK           | DAHDI/G2               | 
|  7 |          1 |          3 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | TRUNKMSD        | 1                      | 
|  8 |          1 |          4 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | RINGTIME        | 20                     | 
|  9 |          1 |          5 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | PAGING_HEADER   | Intercom               | 
| 10 |          1 |          6 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | PAGING_TIMEOUT  | 60                     | 
| 11 |          1 |          7 |         0 | extensions.conf | globals  | CID_6000        | User 1         | 
| 12 |          2 |          0 |         0 | extensions.conf | default  | exten           | 2000,1,VoicemailMain() | 
| 13 |          2 |          1 |         0 | extensions.conf | default  | switch          | Realtime/@extensions   | 
| 14 |          2 |          2 |         0 | extensions.conf | default  | exten           | 4001,1,Dial(SIP/4001)  | 

The extensions and sip_buddies tables have been populated as well.

— Notes:

I renamed the .conf files that I defined in the database to .old names to keep them from conflicting.

I have the mysql server on a separate system than the asterisk server. This seems to be fine as I did had the dynamic realtime extensions working before I tried to configure static realtime, so I am pretty sure my db connection is good. Also, I can run the mysql client from the asterisk system and read any of the values I need with the correct user/password from the res_mysql.conf.

“core show config mappings” seems to be correct:

Config Engine: mysql
===> voicemail (db=general, table=voicemessages)
===> queue_members (db=general, table=queue_members)
===> queues (db=general, table=queues)
===> extensions (db=general, table=extensions)
===> sipregs (db=general, table=sip_buddies)
===> sippeers (db=general, table=sip_buddies)
===> sipusers (db=general, table=sip_buddies)
===> sip.conf (db=general, table=static_config)
===> features.conf (db=general, table=static_config)
===> extensions.conf (db=general, table=static_config)

and “realtime mysql status” returns good connection info:

general connected to asterisk@, port 3306 with username asterisk for 1 hours, 7 minutes.

— Problem:

When I use “dialplan show” at the CLI, it doesn’t show me any extensions I have defined in the static_config table, nor the dynamic realtime “extensions” table. In addition the extensions actually don’t work, so it doesn’t seem to be just a display issue at the CLI.

— Questions:

I haven’t seen anything definitive either way; Can I do BOTH static realtime and dynamic realtime?

The information I have come across suggests the static config worked very well with MySQL on 1.6.0.x, but I have found some indication that it broke for someone with 1.6.1.x. Can anyone confirm?

Am I totally missing anything?

Any other files, logs, etc which would be helpful?

Okay, I beat myself up for 3 days trying to figure this out. I posted here and then I found the problem just a little later.

To help anyone else out;

You CAN do both static and dynamic realtime.

The database configuration examples given on voip-info tell you to create the ast_config table with the column “commented” default value to “0”. I don’t know if this was the case in versions prior to, but I kept seeing the res_mysql connecting to the database in the debug log, but return 0 rows.

Just as a guess, I changed one of the rows to commented=1 at the mysql prompt and did a reload at the asterisk cli and now debug showed 1 row returned.

So, did this behavior change? Or was the voip-info page wrong all along?