[HELP] Problems REALTIME configurantion

Hi, we are running Asterisk 11.9.0 under a CENTOS 6.5.

We are try to use a realtime to get SIP users, but we are having some problems.

2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf) [2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf) [2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf) [2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf) [2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf) [2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf) [2014-06-03 14:59:50] NOTICE[21067]: chan_sip.c:28144 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:976@XXXXXXXX;transport=UDP>' failed for '' - Wrong password [2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf) [2014-06-03 14:59:50] WARNING[21067]: res_config_mysql.c:335 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database/table specified: asterisk/sippeers (check res_mysql.conf)

We can connect to teh database using

[code][root@XXXXXX asterisk]# mysql -u asterisk -ppabx -h
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 25
Server version: 5.1.73 Source distribution

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Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.


here are my configuration files…


[settings] sippeers => mysql,asterisk,sipfriends


[general] dbhost= dbname=asterisk dbuser=asterisk dbpass=pabx dbport=3306 ;dbsock = /tmp/mysql.sock ;dbcharset = latin1 requirements=warn ; or createclose or createchar

I use this structure in mysql to have the table. (wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/ … +structure)

# Table structure for table `sipfriends`

      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `name` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
      `ipaddr` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
      `port` int(5) DEFAULT NULL,
      `regseconds` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `defaultuser` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
      `fullcontact` varchar(35) DEFAULT NULL,
      `regserver` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
      `useragent` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
      `lastms` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `host` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `type` enum('friend','user','peer') DEFAULT NULL,
      `context` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `permit` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `deny` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `secret` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `md5secret` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `remotesecret` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `transport` enum('udp','tcp','udp,tcp','tcp,udp') DEFAULT NULL,
      `dtmfmode` enum('rfc2833','info','shortinfo','inband','auto') DEFAULT NULL,
      `directmedia` enum('yes','no','nonat','update') DEFAULT NULL,
      `nat` enum('yes','no','never','route') DEFAULT NULL,
      `callgroup` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `pickupgroup` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `language` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `allow` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `disallow` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `insecure` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `trustrpid` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `progressinband` enum('yes','no','never') DEFAULT NULL,
      `promiscredir` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `useclientcode` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `accountcode` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `setvar` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `callerid` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `amaflags` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `callcounter` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `busylevel` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `allowoverlap` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `allowsubscribe` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `videosupport` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `maxcallbitrate` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `rfc2833compensate` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `mailbox` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `session-timers` enum('accept','refuse','originate') DEFAULT NULL,
      `session-expires` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `session-minse` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `session-refresher` enum('uac','uas') DEFAULT NULL,
      `t38pt_usertpsource` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `regexten` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `fromdomain` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `fromuser` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `qualify` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `defaultip` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `rtptimeout` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `rtpholdtimeout` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `sendrpid` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `outboundproxy` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `callbackextension` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `registertrying` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `timert1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `timerb` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `qualifyfreq` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `constantssrc` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `contactpermit` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `contactdeny` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `usereqphone` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `textsupport` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `faxdetect` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `buggymwi` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `auth` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `fullname` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `trunkname` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `cid_number` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `callingpres` enum('allowed_not_screened','allowed_passed_screen','allowed_failed_screen','allowed','prohib_not_screened','prohib_passed_screen','prohib_failed_screen','prohib') DEFAULT NULL,
      `mohinterpret` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `mohsuggest` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `parkinglot` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `hasvoicemail` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `subscribemwi` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `vmexten` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
      `autoframing` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `rtpkeepalive` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `call-limit` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `g726nonstandard` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `ignoresdpversion` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `allowtransfer` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      `dynamic` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`),
      KEY `ipaddr` (`ipaddr`,`port`),
      KEY `host` (`host`,`port`)

How can we solve this problems?

Looks like res_config_mysql is not loaded by Your Asterisk.
Check whether res_config_mysql.so is available and loaded.
Additionally: As mysql-Modules are deprecated You should consider to switch to odbc modules for connecting to mysql-sources.

And try changing in the extconfig the line:


Thank you, it solve the problem!