I’m doing conferencing with MeetMe application using asterisk 1.2.0. When i dial in an invalid conference number it plays an invalid conference message and hangs up the call. It’s not taking me back to re-enter conference number.
Can anyone help me here so that it prompts again to re-enter the conference number.
The easiest thing to do would be to add a goto statement after the meetme application exits. Just make the goto statement return the user to the top line.
Something like this would work.
exten => _ZXX.,1,MeetMeCount(${EXTEN},confcount)
exten => _ZXX.,2,GotoIf($[${confcount} < 9]?3:s,15) ; Max conf members is 8
exten => _ZXX.,3,MeetMe(${EXTEN},iM)
exten => _ZXX.,4,Goto(1)
Thanks! But, i have tried some different form like this before It didn’t work. In the Meetme if you enter an invalid conference number it plays a message and immedialtely hangs up the channel. The hangup event will occur (exten h). So, it doesn’t go to the next step of MeetMe application in Dial plan.