The attended transfer doesn’t appear to contact the transferee. keep in mind the blind transfer (#1) is working but not suitable for our environment so we are using Call Parking via the blind transfer as an interium solution.
Caller A calls Callee B
Caller B then presses *2, hears transfer then a dial tone
Caller B then enters the extension number 229 for example.
After a short period, a bong type sound is played and Caller B is still with Caller A and not with Callee C
this is what asterisk is reporting,
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/227-2adf and SIP/225-2f23
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/227-2adf'
-- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'au')
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/227-2adf
-- Playing 'beeperr' (language 'au')
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/227-2adf and SIP/225-2f23
Both extensions are sip phones within the same context.
We are using;
Asterisk v1.2.6
SNOM’s v5.3.6
Any idea’s?
with the Snom, why don’t you use the phone’s transfer ? ime, it works perfectly. press Hold, dial recipient (or press their speeddial/blf button … with actually removes need to press Hold in the first step), announce call, then press Transfer. hangup and you’re done.
The SNOM transfer button which places the caller on hold, then prompts you for the extension (manual or addressbook) doesn’t attempt to make any calls.
Your suggestion works (push hold, dial the number and when the other end picks-up either speak then press transfer or just the press transfer button, but leaves a message in the asterisk-pbx log file
Spawn extension (macro-dial_localextension, s, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/225-1cc3’
Was hoping asterisk-pbx could do a cleaner job, but obviously not.
your log output in the OP would suggest that Asterisk isn’t hearing any digits to transfer too. i use Asterisk transfer sometimes to park and that always works. what DTMF settings do you have for this this peer and in sip.conf ? what codec are you using ?
Umm, Asterisk appears to understand them as blind transfer works perfectly.
dtmfmode = auto
(try rfc2833 1st, then failover to inband if memory serves me correctly) setting it to anything else just doesn’t work - including the blind transfers. bizzare.
Just to add, all the SNOM’s use Asterisk as their proxy.
I believe that after Caller B enters 299, the person at 299 must answer, and then Caller B must hang-up to complete the transfer. I could be completely wrong, but that’s the only way we can make it work.
[quote=“peterjdean”]The attended transfer doesn’t appear to contact the transferee. keep in mind the blind transfer (#1) is working but not suitable for our environment so we are using Call Parking via the blind transfer as an interium solution.
Caller A calls Callee B
Caller B then presses *2, hears transfer then a dial tone
Caller B then enters the extension number 229 for example.
After a short period, a bong type sound is played and Caller B is still with Caller A and not with Callee C
this is what asterisk is reporting,
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/227-2adf and SIP/225-2f23
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/227-2adf'
-- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'au')
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/227-2adf
-- Playing 'beeperr' (language 'au')
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/227-2adf and SIP/225-2f23
Both extensions are sip phones within the same context.
We are using;
Asterisk v1.2.6
SNOM’s v5.3.6
Any idea’s?[/quote]