Help! about automon

exten =>9001,1,Dial(SIP/9001,wW)
exten =>9002,1,Dial(SIP/9002,wW)

  1. features.conf
    automon => *1

when 9002 call 9001 finish,no call found in “/var/spool/asterisk/monitor”, why?

did either party initiate the recording by pressing ‘*1’ ? did the CLI report that it was detected ? the CLI (or log) will probably also tell you where it’s been stored too.

thank you for your help!
below is the cli log
Registered SIP ‘9001’ at port 16664 expires 120
– Saved useragent “RTC/1.2.4949 (BOL SIP Phone 1005)” for peer 9001
– Executing [9001@tutorial:1] Dial(“SIP/9002-082378e8”, “SIP/9001||wW”) in new stack
– Called 9001
– SIP/9001-08241478 is ringing
– SIP/9001-08241478 answered SIP/9002-082378e8
– Packet2Packet bridging SIP/9002-082378e8 and SIP/9001-08241478
== Spawn extension (tutorial, 9001, 1) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/9002-082378e8’
– Unregistered SIP ‘9001’
– Registered SIP ‘9001’ at port 16664 expires 120
– Saved useragent “RTC/1.2.4949 (BOL SIP Phone 1005)” for peer 9001

what about these ?

I had the same or similar problem with the stable release of 1.4. I ended up having to specify canreinvite=no in my sip.conf so that Asterisk would not drop out of the call path and thus “hear” *1 and start recording.

From what I gather, having ‘w’ or ‘W’ in the DIAL statement is supposed to let Asterisk know not to do this, but I could not get automon (or any other dynamic features) working for me until I specified ‘canreinvite=no’ I am currently testing * and all my extensions are on the same subnet (for now.) It’s my understanding that when start taking/making calls outside of my local network, this will not be an issue.

Speaking of which, does anybody know if there is a way to specify this globally in sip.conf, rather than per extension?