FreePBX on AsteriskNOW 1.5 not saving

Dear Asterisk-gurus,

I have installed AsteriskNOW 1.5 Beta 2. It seems to be working fine. I am running the server on a machine with IP address (until now running on DHCP, as soon it’s working, I will change it to a static The web interface seems also to be working, but there are some strange things:

I seem not to be able to save changes. I created some extensions, along with a trunk and an Inbound Route, and after I made the changes, I clicked on the “Apply Configuration Changes”-warning, and after that “Continue with reload”. I configured my softphone, but it seems not to be connecting; it tries, but the registration fails.
I took a look into extensions.conf and sip.conf, but there were no changes, I could have been made.

When going back to FreePBX System Status, three “notices” appear, even if I put them to ignore. I am not sure if these notices have something to do with the incapability of saving changes. The notices I get are:

  • Could not reload FOP server:
    “Could not reload the FOP operator panel server using the script. Configuration changes may not be reflected in the panel display.
    Added 1 minute ago

  • Default Asterisk Manager Password Used
    "You are using the default Asterisk Manager password that is widely known, you should set a secure password
    Added 0 minutes ago

  • Memory Limit Changed
    "Your memory_limit, 16M, is set too low and has been increased to 100M. You may want to change this in you php.ini config file
    Added 0 minutes ago

I can see some logical reasons from within these notices, why I am experiencing errors, but I am not sure, so I don’t want to change anything before some of you techguys and -girls have taken a look at it.


Albert van Harten
Newbie :smile:

check the sip_additional.conf file for the extensions saved.
and you will have to manually enter the extension into the extension_custom.conf
eg under from -internal-custom
enter "exten => 1111,1,Dial(SIP/1111)
where 1111 is the extension number

[color=#4000FF]* Default Asterisk Manager Password Used
"You are using the default Asterisk Manager password that is widely known, you should set a secure password
Added 0 minutes ago

change the AMPMGRPASS in /etc/amportal.conf and “secret” under admin in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf

am currently looking into
[color=#0040FF]When going back to FreePBX System Status, three “notices” appear, even if I put them to ignore. I am not sure if these notices have something to do with the incapability of saving changes. The notices I get are:

  • Could not reload FOP server:
    "Could not reload the FOP operator panel server using the script. Configuration changes may not be reflected in the panel display.
    Added 1 minute ago [/color]
