Freepbx and Siemens HiPath 3800 / HG1500


We have Hipath3800 with HG1500 and Freepbx server.
How to connect HG1500 to Freepbx?
I need two systems can communicate with each other.

This is neither the place to discuss Siemens PBXs or FreePBX. That said you need to look at the details of the HG1500. You may be able to define a SIP-Trunk or you may need to hook up various SIP endpoints, which kind of would make the Hipath think obsolete. A plain vanilla Asterisk installation might give you more options than the FreePBX setup, where you are required to follow their interface metaphors.

I have a few customers with a similar setup and the results are generally not convincing. You’ll likely spend too much time to figure out what works. The basic stuff works pretty much out of the box, but the rest can be a pain in the neck (like BLF on older Siemens phones, etc). These are merely my experiences.

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