I’ve scanned the internet and here and have seen some folks post problems with this. I’m currently having a real problem with it too. Some have had it with a SIP connections, others with Zap. I’m having it with both and with IAX2 channels.
I’m getting the problem with several asterisk servers. Some are doing outbound dialing (vicidial) with asterisk 1.2.24, zaptel 1.2.6, wanpipe 3.3.10 (sorry guys), libpri 1.2.7-2
I’m also getting it from a plain asterisk server. asterisk, zaptel 1.4.11, libpri 1.4.7, digium card.
Both units are using 4 port T1 cards.
Here’s the error:
Oct 9 07:41:00 DEBUG[31588] channel.c: Didn’t get a frame from channel: Zap/1-1
Oct 9 07:41:00 DEBUG[31588] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels Local/860
1001@vicidial-2b4f,1 and Zap/1-1
It seems to roll downhill. If I have one asterisk machine dialing and forwarding the call to another asterisk machine, both machines will report the same error, one on the Zap channel and the other on the SIP. I’ve also seen this on IAX2 channels.
The error causes the call to be dropped. This happens for both inbound and outbound calls. We’ve tested the T1s and we’re not seeing any errors.
This suddenly started on Oct 29. Prior to that we didn’t have any problems. Only issue is there isn’t enough debug available to nail this to the carrier.