DRUID Asterisk Management Interface
Can anyone make a recommendation on this product?
I’m thinking about buying a copy and wanted to ask the forum if anyone has tried it. Its at voiceroute.net
Never tried it but it irritates me when compnaies blantanly copy other well known websites nearly 100%. DRUID’s site is an exact duplicate of VMWare’s down the the product box that has been (poorly i might add) photoshoped to wipe out the VMWare name to insert DRUID!
Yes, I doubt it’s ‘professionalism’. The live demo is non functional on some parts.
Also, what swaterhouse says is very correct. Total ripoff of the vmware site.
This is a clear indication of what you are going to get when you buy their product imho.
good luck
so there is a gui from vmware for asterisk configurations? where do i find that?
Only there website is a VMWare ripoff. VMWare makes virtualization software.
If your looking for Asterisk management I use FreePBX (formerly AMP) http://www.freepbx.org.
I have tried the thirdlane http://www.thirdlane.com product but though it was basically no different from FreePBX except for the forced payment!