Do DTMF tone transmitted to remote PBX

Dear All,

it seems I have some setup problems with my Asterisk PBX.
I can not tramsmit any DTMF tones to the remote called PBX!

This is my setup:

I have a Polycom SIP phone registered with my local Asterisk PBX.
My Asterisk PBX uses a SIP provider to dial other phone numbers.
If I call somebody that has a PBX that requires me to press some keys to be transfered,
then this does not work because the DTMF keys that I press on my Polycome phone get
not transmitted.
Instead I see this message on the Asterisk console:

– Attempting native bridge of SIP/12-c4bf and SIP/gateway4-a40c
– Attempting native bridge of SIP/12-c4bf and SIP/gateway4-a40c
– Attempting native bridge of SIP/12-c4bf and SIP/gateway4-a40c

SIP/12 is my Polycom phone
SIP/gateway4 is the SIP provider

I suspect that my error is probably stupid,
but I need somebody to point it out to me.

Looking very much forward to receive some suggestions.

Best regards

Georg P. Israel

is the DTMF you’re sending conflicting with the settings in features.conf ? post some more concise detail.