Disable queue periodic announcements from the dialplan?

Is there a way to disable/modify the periodic announcement configured in queues.conf from the dialplan?

Presently, the PA is working correctly, with a config in queues.conf similar to:

periodic-announce-frequency=120 relative-periodic-announce=yes announce-frequency=60 announce-holdtime=no announce-position=no periodic-announce=custom/High_Volume

However, for a specific DID, we’d like it to not to have the periodic announcement. Is there any way to disable it for just that call, short of dropping the call in a different queue that has the PA disabled?

I havent use it but there is an option on the queue app called :

announceoverride’ allows you to override the announcement specified in queues.conf using ‘announce = …’ or add one to it in the first place.

[quote=“ambiorixg12”]I havent use it but there is an option on the queue app called :

announceoverride’ allows you to override the announcement specified in queues.conf using ‘announce = …’ or add one to it in the first place.[/quote]

We’re actually already using this - it overrides the announcement that is played to the queue agent before they’re bridged to the caller.
Good idea though!