I have setup an Asterisk server with Digium Wildcard TDM400P card installed (2xFXO, 2xFXS). I can use the FXO interfaces to dial-out or receive dial-in calls.
Now, my local PSTN provider can support DID/DDI (Direct inward dialing) and I can get a group of telephone numbers mapped to these two FXO interfaces. For example, I can get a range of number XXXX1001 -> XXXX1101 and all these numbers will be routed to same customer.
My questions are:
(1) Does TDM400P support DID/DDI features? Or I need other models which support PRI/ISDN lines?
(2) If the answer of question (1) is “yes”, can I setup the Asterisk server to automatically related the dailed number and the destination number? For example, if someone dial XXXX1001, then my extension number 1001 will be ring; if someone dial XXXX1003, my extension number 1003 will be ring.
As I am new to Asterisk and your kindness responses will be much appreciated.