Digium PCI board on a Blade Server?

I’d like to install my asterisk on a blade system but most of the Blade don’t have any PCI device.

Do you have any experience in using Digium PCI Board on a blade server as HP c-class, Dell M600 or IBM BladeCenter?

IBM BladeCenter doas’nt have any PCI device for third party board.
Don’t know about Dell.
HP C-class Blade enclosure has a “HP BladeSystem PCI Expansion Blade” that seems to be ok.

Did anyone try any of it?


Have you considered using an external FXO device; it might be a lot easier.

I’ve to mange 10 Pri ISDN, using 10 servers for 300 channels.
no way to use external service FXO

We use Cisco HDV cards; each one has 2 PRI ports. A Cisco 3745 can hold 4 of those cards. This would allow you to aggregate all your calls through all the PRIs and you possibly might not need all 10.

You also should look into SIP services. In addition to our PRIs, we use Verizon’s SIP product for termination and origination. It is flawless.

[quote=“BruceAtMaxup”]We use Cisco HDV cards; each one has 2 PRI ports. A Cisco 3745 can hold 4 of those cards. This would allow you to aggregate all your calls through all the PRIs and you possibly might not need all 10.

So you’re connecting 8x30=240 channels in the router 3745 ?
After the router, how do you transfer the calls to your asterisk servers?
doas the router manage h323 or SIP trunk?

thanks for ideas.

Hi You might want to look at red-fone. would give you the option to add redundancy, as each server would be able to cope with at least 2 pri more than likely 4 easily. that way you could have 5 redundant pairs.


Transferring calls from the Cisco 3745 is straightforward. You create a dial-peer on the Cisco for a specific number or pattern and specify the IP address to which it will send that particular call.

The HDV card can support both T1 and E1.