Sorry if this may seem like a very simple and stupid question, but i figured i best ask since i cant seem to find what i am looking for on the Voip-info pages about it (Possible did not search with the right key words).
I want to take a number out of our number range and dedicate it to calling 2X sip phones and my Mobile phone at the same time, so if i am near either one of those SIP phones i would pick them up, however if i am not near either of my SIP phones my Mobile is ringing as well and i can just answer that.
I have a rough idea on how it would be done, but i am looking at the most efficient way of doing it.
If there are pre-existing samples on how this can be done i would be more greatfull to be pointed in the right direction on this, i think this will be really handy for me to have such a setup for 2 different reasons.
I hope i explained it properly if not then i will try to better explain it based upon any questions you have.
a normal dial string is like Dial(technology/destination[/extension],ringsecs,options)
however you can put more than one target in a Dial command, separated by &. for example:
this dials at the same time:
SIP/myIPphone (my IP phone)
SIP/myprovider/mycellphone# (my cell phone via my SIP provider)
ZAP/3 (an analog phone on zaptel port 3 (FXS))
ZAP/G1/myothercellphone (another cell phone # via zaptel group 1)
each of these channels will ring for 20sec, and when any of them is answered the others stop ringing.
Not sure if i have this right, take a look at this and tell me what i may have done wrong, or where i have miss understood what you wrote down.
;Using a DID to 3 different numbers at the same time
;exten => 65181XXX,1,Wait,2;
;exten => 65181XXX,2,Answer;
;exten => 65181XXX,3,Dial(SIP/10001&SIP/10005/ZAP/G1/XXXXXXXX,20);
;exten => 65181XXX,4,Hangup;
X= Just the number of the Extension and also the number i wish for it to call on the Zap channel.
Some how or another i don’t think i am going to get this right first time, but hey thats what learning is all about i guess, a little trial and error maybe.