for some reason some info is not in my logfiles, while I’m convinced they used to be. In other installs this is no problem.
What I miss is info like this:
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:1] Set(“SIP/820-00000004”, “CALLERID(num)=14480820”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:2] Dial(“SIP/820-00000004”, “SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – Called SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000004
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000004
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005 answered SIP/820-00000004
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] rtp_engine.c: – Locally bridging SIP/820-00000004 and SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005
[Sep 6 21:38:08] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (intern, 032172510, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/820-00000004’
[Sep 6 21:38:10] NOTICE[26438][C-00001636] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate device sip:5001@;tag=1669567017
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[26438][C-00001637] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:1] Set(“SIP/820-00000006”, “CALLERID(num)=14480820”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:2] Dial(“SIP/820-00000006”, “SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – Called SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000006
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000006
[Sep 6 21:38:40] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007 answered SIP/820-00000006
[Sep 6 21:38:40] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] rtp_engine.c: – Locally bridging SIP/820-00000006 and SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007
This is an excerpt from logger,conf:
;debug => debug
;trace => trace
;security => security
console => notice,warning,error
;console => notice,warning,error,debug
messages => notice,warning,error
;full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf,fax
full => notice,warning,error,verbose(2),dtmf
What am I doing wrong?