Dial commands not being logged


for some reason some info is not in my logfiles, while I’m convinced they used to be. In other installs this is no problem.

What I miss is info like this:

[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:1] Set(“SIP/820-00000004”, “CALLERID(num)=14480820”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:2] Dial(“SIP/820-00000004”, “SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – Called SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000004
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000004
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005 answered SIP/820-00000004
[Sep 6 21:38:05] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] rtp_engine.c: – Locally bridging SIP/820-00000004 and SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000005
[Sep 6 21:38:08] VERBOSE[3972][C-00001635] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (intern, 032172510, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/820-00000004’
[Sep 6 21:38:10] NOTICE[26438][C-00001636] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate device sip:5001@;tag=1669567017
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[26438][C-00001637] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:1] Set(“SIP/820-00000006”, “CALLERID(num)=14480820”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] pbx.c: – Executing [032172510@intern:2] Dial(“SIP/820-00000006”, “SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1”) in new stack
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – Called SIP/032172510@lcrtelecom1
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000006
[Sep 6 21:38:39] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007 is making progress passing it to SIP/820-00000006
[Sep 6 21:38:40] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] app_dial.c: – SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007 answered SIP/820-00000006
[Sep 6 21:38:40] VERBOSE[3976][C-00001637] rtp_engine.c: – Locally bridging SIP/820-00000006 and SIP/lcrtelecom1-00000007

This is an excerpt from logger,conf:

;debug => debug
;trace => trace
;security => security
console => notice,warning,error
;console => notice,warning,error,debug
messages => notice,warning,error
;full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf,fax
full => notice,warning,error,verbose(2),dtmf

What am I doing wrong?



try to add debug to full=> …

I did, to no avail …

Some or all of those messages are at verbose level 3, e.g.

but you’ve limited your full log to level 2.

debug setting have no relevance to the messages in question, which are clearly verbose ones.


so I need something like this?

full => notice,warning,error,verbose(3),dtmf

So weird, I don’t have that on my other installs,



So weird, I did a logger rotate and now I see the needed VERBOSE messages.



DId you do a reload for logger when after you changed the file. Also, if you remove the log file and create a new one, the file is only removed form the directory, but the file continues to exist, anonymously, until you do a rotate.

If you don’t specify a level, the level set of the console will be used. That might be at least 3 on your other systems.

Yes, that must be it! The console is now started with “asterisk -rvvv”.

Is this then correct voor logger.conf ?:

full => notice,warning,error,verbose(3),dtmf

Thanks a mille!


That’s OK if you want the file locked at a limit of verbosity 3.

Thanks for your input, David!


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