I am trying to use the native h.323 code in Asterisk-1.4.4 as a H.323 end point connecting to an external H.323 Avaya gateway with its GK service. Below is the config for the h323.conf and extentions.com
; The NuFone Network’s
; Open H.323 driver configuration
port = 1720
bindaddr = ; this SHALL contain a single, valid IP address for thi
s machine
gatekeeper = DISABLE
; gatekeeper =
; UserByAlias=no
Yes I have h.323 running on the setup. And the output of “show channeltypes” displays
socom-4*CLI> show channeltypes
Type Description Devicestate Indications Transfer
Zap Zapata Telephony Driver no yes no
Skinny Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny) no yes no
SIP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) yes yes yes
Phone Standard Linux Telephony API Driver no yes no
Console OSS Console Channel Driver no yes no
MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) yes yes no
Local Local Proxy Channel Driver yes yes no
IAX2 Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2) yes yes yes
H323 The NuFone Network’s Open H.323 Channel no yes no
Agent Call Agent Proxy Channel yes yes no