i´ve the problem that my conference rooms are not reachable from outside from the asterisk.
If i call the the conf room number from internal it asked me to the password and then i´m in, if i call from outside my calls will always redirected to our central control.
I didn´t found what i missed to configure. Here´s my conference config from the extensions.conf:
exten => 7061,1,Progress()
exten => 7061,2,Wait(1)
exten => 7061,3,ConfBridge(1,default_bridge,default_user)
exten => 7063,1,Progress()
exten => 7063,2,Wait(1)
exten => 7063,3,ConfBridge(2,default_bridge,user2)
;Admin Konf
exten => 7062,1,Progress()
exten => 7062,2,Wait(1)
exten => 7062,3,ConfBridge(1,default_bridge,admin_user)
; standard participant
exten => 7064,1,NoOp()
same => n,Goto(conference,1)
exten => conference,1,NoOp()
same => n,Set(thisBridge=primary)
same => n,ConfBridge(${thisBridge},sample_user_menu)
exten => conference_joiner,1,NoOp()
same => n,Read(numberToDial,vm-enter-nuconferenceroomsm-to-call)
same => n,Playback(vm-dialout)
same => n,Originate(SIP/${numberToDial},exten,conferencerooms,7064,1)
same => n,Playback(conf-hasjoin)
; DO NOT ADD Hangup() in here[/details]
i´ve tried both ways to create a room and both ways work but in no way i can call the room from outside.