I have never really setup a Phone system before and I’m getting a bit stuck on the terminology but I think I’ve got an idea of what I need I’d just like an expert opinion.
We have 2 Phone lines coming into our office which are currently connected a PBX box which is a bit rubbish so we would like to swap to using Asterisk.
The thing I’m struggling with is getting the phone lines into the box I think I need this: voipon.co.uk/openvox-a400p02-p-670.html
Which I think will result in a system where we can have IP phones around the office on the Auto-Voice VLAN in our switches.
Also would I be able to add one of these (voipon.co.uk/openvox-fxs100-p-682.html) to that card letting us connect up our analogue FAX machine.
Is this right? or have I miss read everything?