I’ve just installed a b410p, I’ve been trying for hours to get it working. For some reason asterisk won’t compile chan_misdn.so.
I initially tried with the original asterisk installation on the machine, make b410p failed until i updated the config to download via http rather than ftp from digium. Anyway, this all appeared to work correctly, loaded the modules and recompiled asterisk. After some fiddling with it not working, i found the chan_misdn had not been compiled.
At this i downloaded the latest source from the asterisk site and ran everything again, but still no chan_misdn compiled. I’m at a loss as to why this isn’t working. Please help!
I’m running on Red Hat ES - 2.6.9-42.ELsmp
Below are the outputs from checking the card was installed and working:
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]# /etc/init.d/misdn-init start
Loading module(s) for your misdn-cards:
/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install hfcmulti type=0x4 protocol=0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2 layermask=0xf,0xf,0xf,0xf poll=128 debug=0
/sbin/modprobe mISDN_dsp debug=0x0 options=0 poll=128 dtmfthreshold=100
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]#
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]# lsmod | grep hfcmulti
hfcmulti 63176 0
mISDN_core 77536 6 mISDN_dsp,hfcmulti,mISDN_capi,l3udss1,mISDN_l2,mISDN_l1
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]#
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]# dmesg | grep Digium
HFC-MULTI: Card 'HFC-4S Digium Card' found, but not given by module's options, ignoring...
HFC-multi: card manufacturer: 'Cologne Chip AG' card name: 'HFC-4S Digium Card' clock: normal
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]#
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]# misdnportinfo
Port 1: TE-mode BRI S/T interface line (for phone lines)
-> Interface is Poin-To-Point.
-> Protocol: DSS1 (Euro ISDN)
-> childcnt: 0
Port 2: TE-mode BRI S/T interface line (for phone lines)
-> Interface is Poin-To-Point.
-> Protocol: DSS1 (Euro ISDN)
-> childcnt: 0
Port 3: TE-mode BRI S/T interface line (for phone lines)
-> Interface is Poin-To-Point.
-> Protocol: DSS1 (Euro ISDN)
-> childcnt: 0
Port 4: TE-mode BRI S/T interface line (for phone lines)
-> Interface is Poin-To-Point.
-> Protocol: DSS1 (Euro ISDN)
-> childcnt: 0
mISDN_close: fid(3) isize(131072) inbuf(0x9ff2060) irp(0x9ff2060) iend(0x9ff2060)
[root@voice asterisk-1.4.11]#
I also checked the make menuconfig for asterisk, it’s showing an error for chan_misdn.
Asterisk Module Selection
Press 'h' for help.
[ ] 3. chan_features
XXX 4. chan_gtalk
XXX 5. chan_h323
[*] 6. chan_iax2
[*] 7. chan_local
[*] 8. chan_mgcp
XXX 9. chan_misdn
XXX 10. chan_nbs
Channel driver for mISDN Support (BRI/PRI)
Depends on: isdnnet(E), misdn(E), suppserv(E)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks