I’ve been asked by a customer to troubleshoot a problem with custom CDR recording which was written at some point in the past but has stopped working correctly.
Here in a nutshell is what I know so far:
CDR writes to MySQL were working correctly with asterisk and addons 1.4.7.
The writes are not working correctly with
No changes have been made to the addon.
The dialplan is very simple but consists of at least 1 and probably 2 AGI calls.
It is my understanding from the customer that the cdr_addon_mysql is being executed before the call ends and incorrect call information is recorded as a result.
If you haven’t run across this particular problem, can you tell me at what point in the asterisk code the cdr_addon_mysql code is called?
Thanks in advance.
How was the install or upgrade done?
Did the client reuse any files from the previous install?
If the client installed manually from a vanilla asterisk tarball, there are a few files that need to be changed prior to compilation for most mysql production needs.
The customer says they compiled the source for the latest release and did a normal install.
They tell me that an AGI script calculates some values to be written to the CDR but that in the newer version of asterisk, the CDR is written about a second before these values have been calculated. It’s as if the AGI script completes later in the process or the CDR is written earlier in the process than it was in the older version of asterisk.
I’ve also found out that a complete rewrite of the system will be deployed in 60-90 days and that a temporary fix (or hack!) is acceptable as long as it works consistently. They consider it acceptable to put a delay in the code (asterisk or addon source files included) if it will fix the issue.
[quote=“centralb”]How was the install or upgrade done?
Did the client reuse any files from the previous install?
If the client installed manually from a vanilla asterisk tarball, there are a few files that need to be changed prior to compilation for most mysql production needs.[/quote]