
I have installed Mysql 4.1.22 (RPM, Mysql Server+client+devel+share), Asterisk addon. I also created the database asterisk and the CDR tables, and modified the crd_mysql.conf and Modules.conf followed the instructions from the internet. But the call detail can not be writen into the CDR tables. I wonder How can I debug the CDR process?

Any suggestions

in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf, enable debugging to the console. Then start asterisk, ‘set debug 10’, then ‘reload’. Also, ‘cdr mysql status’.

Find the problem by runing asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

The problem is because the is not loaded properly.

Specify the wrong path for the modules.

Now, the CDR is recoreded in mysql database.

Thanks a lot!