Cant get VM on call to DID over Asterisk


Im using Asterisk@home, i have configuered a DID in my extensions.conf

exten => 4088344333,1,Answer
exten => 4088344333,2,Dial(SIP/104,100,tr)
exten => 4088344333,3,Hangup

From the above lines you can see that when ever some one dial on 4088344333, Asterisk would route that call to extension 104 desifned in SIP.CONF,

Now the problem is when ever I dial from local extensions to local extensions i.e. 101 to 104 it works fine and goes to Voicemail if the person doesnt picks up the call, but when someone dial to the DID (which is mapped to 104 sip extension) it doesnt brings the Voicemail

Please help…


exten => 4088344333,1,Answer
exten => 4088344333,2,Dial(SIP/104,100,tr)
exten => 4088344333,3,Voicemail(104)
exten => 4088344333,4,Hangup

Thanks for the reply, Yes it solved my problem, I really appreciate this,I got another questions As i said earlier im using Asterisk@home, I want when ever someone call to my DID and no one picks up the call it sould play my recorded message “im currently unavailable please leave your message” …how can i do this???
