Can't access my asterisk via web

hi guys,

i have installed my freepbx fully and its given an ip address already, the issue now comes when i try accessing it via the web using the same ip ,it times out.

someone help

I would suggest using the FreePBX community forum instead. The Asterisk project does not create or deal with FreePBX.

i did install it as a full packaging and the asterisk is now booting from there

what would block asterisk from being accessed via web interface?

Asterisk doesn’t include a web interface and the project does not create or provide one. FreePBX is a separate project.

you need to disable any firewall or create a rule to allow access to the http port,

i have been stressing on how to create the rules, any sample you might be have please!

Those request are Linux related stuff, you can found a lot exmaples on google, in the mean time if you dont know how create the rule you can top the firewall temporarly under your own risk

systemctl stop firewalld