Hi Hopefully somebody can help me, i after an asterisk box configured and yesterday i had an issue where calls from desk phones stopped. after a little investigation sip show channels showed around 25 calls with a last message of BYE.
my asterisk version is and the phones with the issue are working in a remote location behind a nat’s network they onyl way i was able to clear the calls was to restart asterisk.
at the minute i dont have any calls but the server will get busy again mid morning so i can get log details etc
If your “sip show channelstats” command is showing 0 active channels when “sip show channels” shows multiple channels with a last message of BYE, you might be getting the same problem as me.
My observation of my case is that the ACK message sent by the IP phone (that is a reply to the BYE) is not received by the Asterisk server, so it does not clear the channel completely and it is shown in “sip show channels”.
I think there is not solution on Asterisk side. Try to do some improvements on your network side, so the packets will not be lost.
im not sure what i can do all of my sip phones are at remote locations that i have no control over, Asterisk is Nat’d with ports 5060 and RTP 10k-20k do i require anything else to be open ?
The only way i can clear the BYE’s is with a service restart, a reload does not clear the issue what would be the best thing to do update to the latest version ? currently im version what is the update process ?
Download it, and extract it. Run ./configure. Optionally copy your menuconfig.makeopts file. Run make menuconfig, and adjust as needed. Run make. Run make install.
If you used svn, you can use svn switch.
I can’t help, if you used a package, but one hopes the standard package upgrade procedure won’t break anything.