i am trying to develop a custom billing solution for asterisk, curentrly experiencing some trouble with callback. The callback does not bill ( there are no records in CDR, the call from asterisk to the client, but the call that client makes when asrerisk has made a callback is placed into CDR there for it’s billed, the question is how to force asterisk to write this call to CDR
here is the code
callback_dial.php - acurring the clients nuber
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
require_once 'phpagi/phpagi.php';
require_once '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/asterisk_agi/db.class.php';
require_once '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/asterisk_agi/asterisk.class.php';
$agi = new Agi();
$aster = new Asterisk();
$cid = $agi->parse_callerid();
if ($agi->request['agi_extension'] == '380445856211')
$tel = '3' . $agi->request['agi_callerid'];
callback_call.php - number dial ( the one that is not placed to CDR )
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
require_once '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/asterisk_agi/db.class.php';
require_once '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/asterisk_agi/asterisk.class.php';
$in = fopen("php://stdin","r");
while (!feof($in)) {
$temp = str_replace("\n","",fgets($in,4096));
$s = split(":",$temp);
$agi[str_replace("agi_","",$s[0])] = trim($s[1]);
if (($temp == "") || ($temp == "\n")) {
$aster = new Asterisk();
while (true) {
$time = time();
foreach ($aster->getCallbackPhones($time) AS $row) {
$params = array(
'tel' => $row['phone'],
'CallerID' => $row['sip'],
'Context' => 'callback-from'
function outgoing($params) {
$cf = fopen("/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/" . $params['tel'], "w+");
fputs($cf,"Channel: IAX2/intelia-frn/00" . $params['tel'] . "\n");
fputs($cf,"CallerID: \"".$params['CallerID']."\"<".$params['CallerID'].">\n");
fputs($cf,"MaxRetries: 1\n");
fputs($cf,"RetryTime: 60\n");
// fputs($cf,"WaitTime: 30\n");
fputs($cf,"Context: ".$params['Context']."\n");
fputs($cf,"Extension: ". $params['tel']."\n");
fputs($cf,"Priority: 1");
Any Advices are welcome
thx in advance