I have an ongoing call I need to dial another party and attach it to the current call, all with AMI.
For some reason, I am having issues with this. When I try to create a new call and then bringing there is no sound on ether line.
Any suggestions?
I have an ongoing call I need to dial another party and attach it to the current call, all with AMI.
For some reason, I am having issues with this. When I try to create a new call and then bringing there is no sound on ether line.
Any suggestions?
Suggestion: Provide enough information that we can see what you have done and have a clue as to what went wrong.
I am thinking there is a proper way to do this AMI, given that this is core feature in telephony and that is why I did not see any reason to post details of how I am trying to do this. But here is info on how I do this,
I have simple dial plan for third party call, which also begin recording.
exten => thirdparty,1,Answer()
exten => thirdparty,n,Monitor(wav,recfile)
exten => thirdparty,n,Dial(SIP/sw-dial/5100553700,R)
exten => thirdparty,n,Hangup()
While I am in a call, I make originate request to above dialplan, then I need to bring them together, there are two options I have ether bridge them or use ChanSpy .
Option one is bridging
Option two is Chanspy
My goal is very simple - call another extension and bring it into the current call so all parties could speak.
You can’t originate to an extension. Do you mean you originate to a local channel on that extension?
Originate needs to have both a channel and either an application or an extension. You’ve only mentioned an extension, which I have to guess really means a local channel. It is not clear which channel you are trying to bridge, but note that a local channel may well optimise out when the call answers.
Your goal requires a conference bridge.
As an aside, Answer and Hangup are redundant in most dialplans.