[HELP]: AMI: How to connect two opened channels

Is it possible to connect two subscribers so, that server makes call to them at first, after that plays the sound record and finally it connets subscribers together. How do it do without using conference-halls?
I tried to use “Action: Originate” to initialization outgoing calls, but I can’t to connect subscribers together. Also I tried to use ‘Application: ChannelRedirect’ and ‘Application: Bridge’ options, but the sound didn’t play to one of subscribers.

Here is the example of code

[code]Action: Originate
Сhannel: Local/101@office
Context: callout
Exten: s
Priority: 1
CallerID: 200
Timeout: 60000
ActionID: 775577
Async: true
Variable: ACTIONID=775577

Action: Originate
Сhannel: Local/102@office
Context: callout
Exten: s
Priority: 1
CallerID: 200
Timeout: 60000
ActionID: 775578
Async: true
Variable: ACTIONID=775578

And the example of extensions.conf which play the sound “intro” and wait for connection for 1 minute

exten => s,1,UserEvent(${CHANNEL}|${UNIQUEID}|${ACTIONID})
exten => s,n,Answer
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Background(intro)
exten => s,n,SetMusicOnHold(default)
exten => s,n,WaitMusicOnHold(60)
exten => s,n,Playtones(!550/330,0)
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,StopPlaytones
exten => s,n,HangUp()

Depends on the version. For 1.4, you have to park one of them. For 1.6, I believe there is a new AMI command.

Note this gets into tricky territory, and you may find there are bugs.