Background music in active call

Hello world!
The problem:
Need to make a possibility to attach different background noises in active call, such as traffic etc.
As i understanded it can be done with meetme with 2 real people and 1 fake, that will playback noise
I can make a meetme conference between 2 persons, the problem is that how can i invite fake person, that will do playback.
In my extensions.conf is

exten => s,1,Answer()
exten => s,n,Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/bg_muz)
exten => s,n,Hangup()

Is it possible to join this “fake” to my active conference for playing back background noise? For example from call file maybe…

I think audiohooks are the right way of doing this, but they involve some programming. Meetme has been replaced by confbridge. Typically you have to use Originate if you want to do this without any AMI or low level programming.

You could use ChanSpy in barge mode to hook in a channel that just plays back music, or you could put your caller in a MeetMe or ConfBridge and then hook in other channels that play sound. You’ll need to connect it to a Local channel that plays back a file.

Read the full thread here