Hi guys,
Can anyone help me to play/whisper an audio to MeetMe conference room. I’m really stuck at this point. please help
Thanks in advance.
Hi guys,
Can anyone help me to play/whisper an audio to MeetMe conference room. I’m really stuck at this point. please help
Thanks in advance.
If is inject an audio file to a conference room, use the well known method chanspy and local channel
Hi ambiorixg12,
Thanks for the replay, & yes i’m trying to inject an audio file to the ongoing MeetMe room. can you please explain it.
Thanks in advance
Follow this example and adjust it based on your needs,
Other method would be drop a local channel with the audio file to the conference
Hi ambiorixg12,
Thanks for the quick replay, & I tested your code & it works perfectly on SIP channel or SIP calling & not worked on MeetMe conference room.
from extensions.conf
same => n,ChanSpy(MeetMe(${EXTEN}),Bq)
Srv*CLI> originate Local/4826@myalert application playback obd/choru
Thanks in advance
Hi ambiorixg12,
Can you please explain the “drop a local channel with the audio file to the conference” a bit with dialplan.
Thanks in advance