I am using aah v2.0.
I am planning to put passwords in each extensions so that when ever they dial they are asked for the passwords (i m using accountcode as passwords).
If an extension does not have accoutcode or it is blank, the call will not go through. It should say user busy or something appropriate.
I have managed the first part . i.e. it is asking for the password but the other part, i have no idea how to implement it. The calls from extensions with no accountcode are also passing through which actually should be rejected.
There is the macro-dialout i m using:
exten => s,1,GotoIf($[foo${ACCOUNTCODE} = foo]?3:2))
exten => s,2,Authenticate(${ACCOUNTCODE})
exten => s,3,Macro(user-callerid)
exten => s,4,Macro(record-enable,${CALLERIDNUM},OUT)
exten => s,5,Macro(outbound-callerid,${ARG1})
exten => s,6,SetGroup(OUT_${ARG1})
exten => s,7,CheckGroup(${OUTMAXCHANS_${ARG1}})
; if we’ve used up the max channels, continue at (n+101)
exten => s,8,SetVar(DIAL_NUMBER=${ARG2})
exten => s,9,SetVar(DIAL_TRUNK=${ARG1})
exten => s,10,AGI(fixlocalprefix) ; this sets DIAL_NUMBER to the proper dial string for this trunk
exten => s,11,SetVar(OUTNUM=${OUTPREFIX_${ARG1}}${DIAL_NUMBER}) ; OUTNUM is the final dial number
exten => s,12,Cut(custom=OUT_${ARG1},:,1) ; Custom trunks are prefixed with "AMP:"
exten => s,13,GotoIf($[${custom} = AMP]?16)
exten => s,14,Dial(${OUT_${ARG1}}/${OUTNUM}) ; Regular Trunk Dial
exten => s,15,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
Can somebody help please.
Thanks in advance.