Attendant transfer in ARI

Could we use ARI to create an Attendant transfer at the protocol level exactly like Asterisk dialplan dial app?

What is the less time consuming way to do so?

I don’t understand the question. You don’t create anything, ARI will use a Local channel and allow attended transfers to occur.

I’m not sure if a need to tell ARI to create and handle the local channels and add the listeners, i mean is there an easier way to do that or do i need to handle the entire Attended transfer logic myself from the ground up?

Could you give me a reference on how ARI does that if possible?

There’s nothing special you need to do in ARI to my knowledge to have it happen. The endpoint just does an attended transfer, and that’s that.

I’m not sure if a need to tell ARI to create and handle the local channels and add the listeners, i mean is there an easier way to do that or do i need to handle the entire Attended transfer logic myself from the ground up?

Could you give me a reference on how ARI does that if possible?

I can’t remember the specifics, but you don’t have to do anything from what I recall. You will receive events. It’s honestly easiest to just try it and see what happens.

I’m using only stasis with ARI no standard dial plan apps being used in my scenario,

I know there’s BridgeAttendedTransfer event but I’m not sure how to trigger it.

and i cant see any endpoints that does attended transfer

You do attended transfer from the phone. Are you actually referring to initiating an attended transfer from the Asterisk side? If so, that’s not supported in ARI.

Yes from Asterisk side but using Stasis with ARI, I’m trying to replicate exactly the tT parameter in the standard dial app.

There is no support for such a thing in ARI directly. You’d need to use DTMF events and write application logic to remove channel from bridge, originate, etc.

Thanks for clarification

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