Hi all,
Finished installing CeentOS 5.4 with Asterisk and freepbx
Everything works like a charm.
The only issues is voicemail to email.
This is my Home system, and I setup the users with my ISP`s email acounts, yet the messages lefgt in the voicemail is not getting sent to the email accounts at the providers. I have all my emails with my provider, so I have the smtp username and password.
I`ve googled this and havent found a document explaining on how to do this when you have CentOS, Asterisk and Freepbx installed from source.
Does anyone know where I could find such a howto or send me in the proper direction? I’m fairly adequate in Linux and Asterisk, but not sure how this function actually works. I know there’s something related to sendmail and/or postfix…
Any help would be greatly appreciated.