we are running Asterisk 11.21.2, every 60 seconds this appears on the cli and Asterisk restarts. The logs don’t show the reason why or what is issuing the shutdown. I have seen a few post on the web with no resolution.
I have moved all the clients to another server at this time. I have rebooted the server to no avail. Another weird thing is that when it starts it shows all the clients unreachable and their last IP that they connected with, this happens every time even after the server has been rebooted and the client has not registered at this point for 24 hours. I would have expected a sip show peers to not have retained that information after the server has rebooted for sure. Below is what the cli shows
Any help is appreciated. We are running Debian Jessie
– Remote UNIX connection
– Remote UNIX connection disconnected
– Remote UNIX connection
Beginning asterisk restart…
Asterisk cleanly ending (0).
Executing last minute cleanups
== Destroying musiconhold processes
== Manager unregistered action DBGet
== Manager unregistered action DBPut
== Manager unregistered action DBDel
== Manager unregistered action DBDelTree
Preparing for Asterisk restart…
Asterisk is now restarting…