Hi All,
Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask this question but we’re running out of ideas on this issue.
We have an Asterisk 18 (we are going to upgrade to the latest version soon) installation running on a Centos8 (this is also scheduled for an upgrade) Linux server now this has been running fine for around 4 years with no real issues and recently the call volume has doubled if not a bit more and we’ve started experiencing an odd issue where, for what seems like no reason at all, all of our sip phones unregister from Asterisk and that stops calls being connected to them. When we do sip show peers there are no IPs against any of the extensions and when restarting the sip phones they no longer connect to asterisk and we have to restart asterisk for them to reconnect.
We’ve done just about all we can in terms of logging, monitoring and debugging and we’re pretty much out of ideas.
Our CPU usage is fine and no cores hit over 50% usage during this time, there are no packet drops or latency in the network, our SIP provider has let us know there are no issues on their end. A ping to the server keeps going and shows no issues in connectivity.
We did have an issue with Linux’s page file cap as Asterisk was using over the 1024 limit so we increased this and this resolved that issue but this seems to be something similar where, due to the call volume, it’s hitting some cap or limit somewhere and killing any new connections. Any agents currently on calls can complete there calls it’s just any calls in the queue then don’t get connected to the agents as their SIP connection has died.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated
Thanks in advance