Hello I have deployed asterisk 18 with freepbx 16 in my centos 7 server but it is responding slow,it takes too much time to dial call,internal and external calls.
is quality of connected call ok ?
you should view console log to check what make delay
On Wednesday 27 March 2024 at 11:53:10, ujjwal0005 via Asterisk Community
Hello I have deployed asterisk 18 with freepbx 16 in my centos 7 server but
it is responding slow,it takes too much time to dial call,internal and
external calls.
- Give us some specific details of:
a) what do you mean by “slow”? Some people might think it perfectly normal.
b) how are you measuring the time to dial a call?
c) what does a verbose log output show in terms of timings (hint: put
“dateformat=%F %T.%6q” under the [general] section in logger.conf and you’ll
get microsecond timestamps in your log file output)
d) what’s the simplest version of your dialplan you can show us which
demonstrates this problem?
What hardware are you running this on?
Since this is a FreePBX system, you may be better off asking on the FreePBX
forums, because Asterisk is only one component of many inside FreePBX, and the
people on this list/forum didn’t create the rest of it.
“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times - stop exaggerating!”
Please reply to the list;
please *don't* CC me.
I seem to remember seeing somewhere that changing the timestamp format breaks FreePBX, although I can’t think why. In any case, you can’t directly change logger.conf, as FreePBX owns it.
Typically very long call setup times are the results of DNS timeouts and, mainly for WebRTC, problems in checking ICE candidates.
Shorter timeouts (around 4 seconds) are usually the result of misconfiguring the phones, so that they don’t recognize that a number is complete.
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