Asterisk ha and iax problems with floating ip

Hi there, as title suggests i got an asterisk HA solution with 2 servers drbd and heartbeat, my extensions all use iax protocol which works fine if i connect directly to server 1 ip but fails with the floating ip sip works fine but i just use iax

each of my 2 servers have 2 interfaces one connected to switch the other is between each other for the heartbeat

from what i have read this would be solved if i BIND the virtual ip to my iax but have done that to no avail any other solutions? cheers

Hi there, as title suggests i got an asterisk HA solution with 2 servers
drbd and heartbeat, my extensions all use iax protocol which works fine
if i connect directly to server 1 ip but fails with the floating ip sip works fine but i just use iax

When you say it fails, what exactly occurs? What client are you using, or is this an Asterisk to Asterisk IAX2 connection? Can you provide some output from the Asterisk CLI illustrating what happens?

hi there i use iax phones that connect to an asterisk ha setup in node 1 while its active, extensions can find the physical ip address of server but not the floating one they time out.

someone suggested i should add the virtual ip in the routing tables or something ?

im using the asterisk app in x2 synology nas’ses so i have done everything via the gui.

will it work as i dont want to mess everything up


The answer to this is completely dependent on your clients. If the client doesn’t support a secondary fail-over server, than you’d have to go with some network based solution. Even in that case, I would suspect that you would still have some issues, as the secondary server would not have the IAX2 registration from the primary server. Thus, while the clients may be sending their packets to the secondary server, the secondary server would have no knowledge of them until they re-registered.

solved the issue by adding this routing table

route add -net netmask dev eth1:HA
ip route flush cache

login as: root
root@cluster’s password:

BusyBox v1.16.1 (2015-06-29 18:21:52 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.

cluster> ip route list
default via dev eth1 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 scope link src dev eth1 scope link src
cluster> is the floating ip and the physical interface
