Asterisk base call center solution

Any Asterisk Base System Used For inbound , outbound Call Center Yet? like a all in one setup, with gui , user friendly setup, can anyone point me in the right directions to any open source group or anyone who has perfected the system, plan to set up a call center for 10 seats using sip base voip that doesn’t requier ATA’s or gateways like broadvoice voip. thanks

Predictive Dialing
ACD Call Routing Automated Call Distribution System
IVR Self Service Interactive Voice Response
Call Recording & Conferencing
Call & Agent Monitoring

User friendly GUI setup is not something you will find much inside the Asterisk world. There are two GPL Asterisk-based dialers(inbound/outbound) that are both scalable and are running in many locations around the world:

GnuDialer -

They are not plug-and-play, but they do work with Asterisk over VOIP and there are many consultants that can install them for you if you need help.


nice thread related to call centers, so I will “hijack” it to post my general question without having to make a new one. :smile:

I’m partly working from home doing a classic outbound and inbound call center job. To increase my level of quality and be able to work in higher class projects I want to use an asterisk solution @ home.

Basic idea, please correct me if thats technical impossible:

Workstation PC (Debian) with an Asterisk Dialer and headset plugged in my sound card. The PC is connectet via Lan to my Server (Debian) which would be equipped with a 2- or 4-port ISDN (S0) card to get the calls into a standard S0 NTBA - this would allow me to use my telephone flatrate and keep the call VoIP within the network but make it a standar call when leaving the network.

Bonus: to receive valid orders via phone, my customers and the project (inbound product ordering) request that I’m able to record the ordering process and make it mp3 - that soundfile is stored then until the order is completely delivered and my customer is happy :smile:

Now the real question: Is what I plan technically possible with asterisk? If yes, I’ll start reading myself through everything I need to read to be able to get that working (any direct link to solution-related information is of course appreciated) - but if not with asterisk, how can I get this done?

I would appreciate any answer,



ps: sorry for any bad english, not my native language but I’m working on that. :smile:

can u please look once we r providing outbound/inbound asterisk based solution based on SIP

thanks, I’ll look it up :smile:


Workstation PC (Debian) with an Asterisk Dialer and headset plugged in my sound card. The PC is connectet via Lan to my Server (Debian) which would be equipped with a 2- or 4-port ISDN (S0) card to get the calls into a standard S0 NTBA - this would allow me to use my telephone flatrate and keep the call VoIP within the network but make it a standar call when leaving the network.
It is possible.
With Asterisk almost everything is possible :smile:
You MUST check what ISDN cards to use.
It is important to be sure ISDN cards will work with Asterisk. Of cource is you get cards from Digium - you will have less troubles :smile: