Asterisk 16.16 error cannot solve or find any documentation relatable to it

  1. CURL requires an argument
    WARNING[1684][C-00fa4afc] func_curl.c: CURL requires an argument (URL
    I got those two error in my logs for asterisk 16.I have also traffic going through asterisk and it is
    custom configured.I looked for syntax errors in the config files,but found none of them, also could find any specific Curl requests,that could fail.In the CLI modules func.curl is working perfectly, the traffic is going through as well,it is hard to tell after which part it gives the curl error, while the syntax one appears once in a hour or so.
    My OS is Ubuntu 18.04, what can be causing the issue because I think they are somehow connected.I found after turning on verbose in the logs, that when traffic is going through it has some NULL values, but they do not affect the work and it is working just perfect.The asterisk is in current commercial use so it is hard to specifically see what is the issue.Can you provide me with some solution to those errors or where to look for to fix it.**

WARNING[1684][C-00fa4afc] func_curl.c: CURL requires an argument (URL)

WARNING[16854][C-00f9fd4c]: ast_expr2.fl: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error

I don’t think anyone is going to be able to answer any further beyond what the log message says. The CURL dialplan function was called with nothing passed to it.

I`m quite new to asterisk, well basically I just found out about it one week ago.I cannot solve those two errors. Where can I check where does curl function is receiving an entry?And can you specify what can I send (logs,config) to make it simpler to answer my questions.Because I cannot see any syntax error or missing Curls so far.

It would most likely be from dialplan, extensions.conf and any included files in it.

A verbose log would show what is going on, and can also show where in the dialplan the line is.

The docs site has instructions: Collecting Debug Information - Asterisk Documentation

Though “debug” could be left out of the list of levels.

Thank you for the response,I followed the instructions from the Collecting debug information module and gathered some data, I hope this helps to understand the issue Im currently facing.Can I attach it as a text file to a reply, because currently the server Im working on is in commercial use, and can I send the verbose output?

Whether you can publicly show the information or not is up to you, whether something is sensitive or not is up to you.

I cannot attach a file with the entry since I`m a new member how can I attach the logs, without trashing the reply.

Thank you, here is the log file created.
P.S. (The “**********” and “host-ip” is replaced specifically by me in order to prevent any sensible information to be seen, do not take it as a misconfiguration.)

The log does not show the issue.

This is the closest what I can see related to issue.Let me know if it is the one.
[Jan 27 16:56:21] WARNING[16709][C-01671550]: func_curl.c:837 acf_curl_exec: CURL requires an argument (URL)
[1] Unhandled optional parameter 0x31 ‘Propagation Delay Counter’
[1] [
[1] 0x0
[1] 0x64

That is a warning message, yes. Whether it by itself causes an issue in your environment I couldn’t say.

To be more general - Asterisk is a toolkit. It gives the building blocks to do things. I don’t know how the system has been built, how it works, what it does, or whether things are issues or not.

Thank you for your assistance, it helped a lot,even though didnt solve the issue.Since I wasnt the one who was configuring and building Asterisk, I dont know how it is built, I am trying to solve those two errors which I got in the system. I will try to reply you back with all the information needed and form a more structured question,It will take me a couple of days to investigate, so please dont close the thread for now. I wish you a good rest of the day.

Greetings, after investigating the issue described before, I have noticed that the warnings are not causing any particular issues on the system. I have just one last question, what can I do to set Asterisk to ignore those 2 warnings and not show them in the message log, since just to remove messages => notice,warning,err , warning part, would not be good enough, since I want just to ignore those 2 particular messages.

There is no ignoring of such messages.

Change your dialplan so that it tests for the null values and skips the dialplan lines that are generating the errors. They will be happening because of the way your dialplan is written, and only you know what that is and why it was done that way.