I have
Asterisk 13.7.2 with FreePBX 13.0.89 on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
I have a weird behavior and need desperately your assistance.
I have created a time group that matches closing times:
[2016-03-22 22:11:45] VERBOSE[15002][C-00000541] pbx.c: Executing [2@timeconditions:3] GotoIfTime(“SIP/HT503-0000021c”, “00:00-08:29,tue,3-6,jan-jun,Europe/Athens?truestate”) in new stack
[2016-03-22 22:11:45] VERBOSE[15002][C-00000541] pbx.c: Executing [2@timeconditions:4] GotoIfTime(“SIP/HT503-0000021c”, “15:01-23:59,tue,3-6,jan-jun,Europe/Athens?truestate”) in new stack
[2016-03-22 22:11:45] VERBOSE[15002][C-00000541] pbx.c: Executing [2@timeconditions:5] GotoIf(“SIP/HT503-0000021c”, “0?truegoto”) in new stack
As you can see on the timestamp, the time of the call matches the truegoto result of the time-condition vs the time group. As a result we would expect the anouncment from the IVR of the “Destination matches” to be played.
But what actually happens is that the anouncment from the IVR of the “Destination non-matches” to be played.
I have been trying different approaches but with no success. On previous version of asterisk/freepbx it worked on the first attempt.
I am missing something so obvious here?
Please I need your advise,