Asterisk sip stops working after sip-notify

Hi list,

we’re running an asterisk (debian-packages) on a new debian-squeeze box with FreePBX 2.9 with about 70 sip peers.
The peers are most Grandstreams GXP2010 and GXP2110 with heavy BLF-Usage. After update Asterisk-update from 1.4 I had to fiddle a lot to get BLF-Pickup for the GXP2010-Phones working again.
I needed to set pedantic=no, notifycid=ignore-context inside sip.conf. To set subscribecontext wasn’t needed and __PICKUPMARK has already been set by FreePBX as well.

After this was working sip becomes unavailable twice and I had to restart asterisk.
The last messages inside the log both times where
chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed YYY[ext-local] new state InUse&Ringing for Notify User XXX

After this I set notifyringing=no, notifyhold=no inside sip.conf and this didn’t happen again.
is it possible that sip-channel becomes unstable with heavy sip-notify/hint usage of GXP20XX-Phones inside asterisk with activated notifyringing=yes notifyhold=yes settings ? is a very old sub-version of a no longer supported version.

I just looked through the changelog - seems that there have been some changes inside sip in 8.2010 may solving this issues. Seems that Debian didn’t include this patches in their a few months old squeeze distri… :frowning: - such things happen if you rely on a ‘stable’ distri…
Maybe at least this could be a warning for others not to use the actual Debian-Stable Asterisk Version…